Greg Palast » Economic Hit Men and the Next Drowning of New OrleansHurricane Bush Four Years Later, Part 2
Who put out the hit on van Heerden?
Ivor van Heerden is the professor at Louisiana State University's Hurricane Center who warned the levees of New Orleans were ready to blow — months and years before Katrina did the job.
For being right, van Heerden was rewarded with ... getting fired. [See Katrina, Four Years Later: Expert Fired Who Warned Levees Would Burst]
But I've been in this investigating game long enough to know that van Heerden's job didn't die of natural causes or academic issues. This was a hit. Some very powerful folks wanted him disappeared and silenced — for good.
So who done it?
Here are the facts.
Dr. van Heerden has lots of friends, mostly the people of New Orleans, those who survived and cheered his fight to save their city. But he also has enemies, many of them, and they are powerful.
First, there is Big Oil. More than a decade ago, van Heerden pointed the finger at....
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