Monday, August 31, 2009


Levees.Org: "Saying Katrina destroyed New Orleans is like saying traffic destroyed the Minneapolis bridge
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sandy Rosenthal

For the third time this season, Becky Bohrer, reporter for the Associated Press has used lazy shorthand when describing the federal levee failures in metro New Orleans that devastated the region.
Yesterday, Bohrer wrote that Southern University in New Orleans was “virtually wiped out by Hurricane Katrina nearly four years ago.”

To say Katrina wiped out Southern U is like saying traffic wiped out the Minneapolis bridge.

Both Katrina and the traffic precipitated structural failures and exposed blatant civil engineering incompetence.

I am not alone in my condemnation of using “Katrina” as shorthand for federal levee failures. John McQuaid, noted author and journalist specializing in science, environment, and various forms of government dysfunction agrees with me.


1 comment:

  1. Hey tahnks Y'all.
    Did any of you make it to the Soiree on the 27th?
    It was great. They showed their Documentary about their trip to Holland with Landrieu's Codel. I hung it top lede on today's Ladder. But there were probably 300 folks there? A real, spread of people to be sure. Impressive in the lack of boundaries and yet Ironic that they gathered to deal with safer boundaries. Ha!

    Anywayz, I really like this blog and have you now on our list of Stitch'hikas.

    Thanks youz,
    Editilla~New Orleans Ladder
