Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A Katrina Reader | Readings by & for Anti-Racist Educators and Organizers

A Katrina Reader Readings by & for Anti-Racist Educators and Organizers

This reader is compiled by a team of white anti-racist solidarity activists. We believe that:

The U.S. government left the African American people of New Orleans to die -- before, during and after Katrina;

African American and indigenous peoples of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast resisted the government’s deadly practices, and continue to resist, as they have for centuries;

All Katrina Survivors have the Right to Return; and the Right to Rebuild their communities with self-determination and racial, economic, gender, environmental, ability and global justice;

A committed, organized, strategic and sustained mass movement has the potential power to hold the government accountable for its genocidal practice, past and present; and to force it to respect and protect the human rights of all Katrina Survivors;

This movement for the Right of Return and to Rebuild will be led by those most affected by Katrina and by governmental policies: African American, Latin@ and Vietnamese communities, and indigenous nations. It will also require multi-racial, multi-generational, national and international solidarity to win;

The Katrina survivors’ struggle for justice and self-determination will last for decades. The solidarity movement must be built to last for decades also;

The grassroots racial justice movement in New Orleans and the Gulf Coast may become the catalyst for a Third Reconstruction;

The power of the people united will never be defeated! Another world is possible.

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